RR4 and RR64 are now officially replaced with the release of Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.0 RC2. Based on Gentoo, Sabayon continually stays up to date with the latest packages, bringing the future of Linux to a LiveDVD.
Amarok Live:1.4 Artwork Contest
The Amarok project is having a contest to add artwork to their upcoming LiveCD.
New book explains Ubuntu to non-geeks
DesktopLinux.com has a quick review of a book which comes with an Ubuntu LiveCD.
Reincarnating a discarded laptop with Linux
DesktopLinux.com has an article full of useful LiveCD information.
Free software without the strings
The State has a quick introduction to GParted.
Quick Looks
DistroWatch Weekly has a quick summary of new LiveCDs from Ubuntu, Debian, and SLAX.
B’lore techies put OpenSolaris on CD
Indiatimes Infotech has an article about BeleniX and the developers working on it.
BANGALORE: This city’s techies are creating some cutting edge stuff. Moinak Ghosh, an engineer at Sun Microsystems, has taken the lead on Solaris 10, the flagship operating system (OS) of Sun, and come up with a new version called BeleniX.
Linux on the Corporate Desktop: Success with Kanotix
Tuxmachines.org is pointing to a forum post by a sysadmin who outfitted the desktops at his company with customized Kanotix LiveCDs. The link is currently a little messed up, so here is the post.
“Locked down” Linux dispenses Justice
ZDNet Australia reports that Knoppix now has a set of new users.
The Victorian Department of Justice (DoJ) is understood to have deployed a secure, “locked-down” Linux environment across more than 100 desktops in state prisons.
Taking Linux for a Spin
INC.com has a great article aimed at business managers. It is probably one of the most balanced Windows vs. Linux comparisons I have seen.
The Linux world has come up with some utterly painless and riskless ways for any average Joe to give Linux a test drive–on your own PC, in as little as a few minutes, no expertise required. Go for it. It’s easy, it won’t cost you anything, and if you’re at all in touch with your inner nerd you might actually have some fun. What’s more, it just might end up being the first small step in a revolution in the way your company approaches technology.
Drive failure? Yagotta try Knoppix first
A ZDNet.com blog has a long but entertaining story of Windows file recovery using Knoppix.
Knoppix to the rescue
The Age has an introduction to Knoppix.
A free education
NewsForge has a journey through educational open source software which eventually ends up successful with a lightweight LiveCD.
Kororaa LiveCD GPL Summary
The Kororaa Project has published their findings having to do with the reported GPL violation that resulted from distributing the non-GPL ATI and NVIDIA video drivers with their LiveCD.
In short, this all seems like too much bother for a Live CD. At this stage I will not be releasing the Kororaa Xgl Live CD 0.3, but will continue to make 0.2 available.
Kororaa Accused of Violating GPL
Slashdot has news and comments on the current Kororaa LiveCD issues. The Kororaa project received an email stating they were in violation of the GPL by distributing their XGL LiveCD with NVIDIA and ATI binary drivers. Unfortunately, XGL does not work without these drivers, making the distributing of the CD without them pointless. I hope this is cleaned up, because they are not the only LiveCD distributing binary graphics drivers.
Debian Live
This week’s Debian Weekly News has links to the Debian Live project. The site has links to downloadable ISO images, and a wiki site, with much more information about the Debian Live project.
Getting started with Knoppix Linux
Issue 11 of Free Software Magazine includes an introduction to Knoppix. While brief, it provides a good overview for those who are not familiar with this LiveCD.
Getting started with Knoppix Linux doesn’t have to be costly. Chances are you already have everything you need. The requirements are simple. Any computer newer than 5 years old with a working bootable CD or DVD drive should be able to run Knoppix.
Live CDs for the Mac
Apple Matters has an opinion piece up asking: Where are all the Live CDs?
Linux an easy alternative
The ChronicleHerald.ca has a column describing Linux and Knoppix to its readers.
The developers at Knoppix have a bootable CD and DVD that allow you to stick the disk in your drive, start up the computer and start using Linux, simple as that.
The Distribution Dilemma
LXer has an article proposing a possible LiveCD solution for PC vendors who want to sell Linux, but don’t know which distro to choose.