OSDir has added screenshots for the new PCLinuxOS Preview 9 and for Xarnoppix 3, a LiveCD based on Knoppix.
Knoppix 4.0
Heise online is reporting that Knoppix 4.0 is done, and that it will be distributed this Wednesday at LinuxTag 2005. The 4.0 release is when Knoppix will be split into a CD and DVD versions. The DVD version will include 5,300 applications, two books about Knoppix, and the kitchen sink.
German agency offers open-source security tool
Germany’s Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) has developed a free, open-source tool that allows public and private sector organizations and companies to test the security of their networked systems, the agency announced Friday.
It’s based on Knoppix, and they have a link to download the ISO. Read more here:
Be the First Kid on Your Block to use Gnome 2.11!
I recently noticed Gnoppix had a big graphic on their homepage announcing “Gnoppix uses gnome Desktop Environment 2.11”. Seeing that Gnoppix 1.0, which was recently released, has Gnome 2.10, I picked a download mirror and a couple clicks later came across a beta folder with an ISO image dated from two days ago. A quick download, burn, and I’m running the development version of Gnome!
I noticed some changes which included a menu editor, new version of evolution, evidence that suggests it is using Cairo, and a fast-user-switching feature (oops, looks like it’s in 2.10 too). Check out the mirror list to download the ISO, or just download it directly from their primary server.

NewsForge | My Workstation OS: Kurumin Linux
NewsForge has another article in their My Workstation OS series. This one focuses on the LiveCD Kurumin Linux, providing information that I was not aware of, such as its large script collection.
In fact, one of the highlights of this distribution is its extensive use of scripts. Kurumin comes out of the box with more than 400 small scripts –- most of them embedded in Clica-Aki, Kurumin’s Control Panel -– aimed at making easier some of the usual configuration tasks such as setting up a server, installing softmodems and wireless adapters, and installing new software.
Welcome to the world of Knoppix – Self SEO
Self SEO has an article introducing Knoppix, what it does well, and some suggestions for improvement by the author. Overall a positive article on a great LiveCD.
With no need for an installation (although that is given as an option), and with excellent hardware detection, Knoppix has single-handedly done away with the two major concerns for Windows users wanting to try out Linux
FrozenTech: LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs
I just put up some benchmarks comparing the boot times of a dozen LiveCDs on FrozenTech. You can see the results here: FrozenTech LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs
LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs
This article originally posted on frozentech.com on June 15th, 2005
One of the most obvious differences between a LiveCD and an operating system installed on a hard drive is the time it takes for the system to start. LiveCDs have the disadvantage of all CDs, easily being 15 times slower in both transfer and access speeds than standard hard drives. Even with this huge variation in speed, the average LiveCD does not take 15 times longer to boot than the same software installed to a hard drive. This article will provide an overview of the boot speeds of nine popular LiveCDs in several different configurations.
Continue reading “LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs”
NewsForge | Creating a custom live CD with Slax
NewsForge reports a success story of one business who started using custom SLAX LiveCDs to gather manufacturing data. It details two possibly ways of quickly customizing SLAX, and Kanotix also makes an appearance.
In addition, due to the fact that a PC in a factory may be subject to electrical and mechanical shocks, we feared extended down time in case of hardware failures (especially the hard disk’s), and we wanted to avoid reinstalling everything.
SLYNUX Available for Download
CXOtoday.com is reporting that SLYNUX is now available for download. Apparently the price of hosting was what originally kept it from being available for download.
SNAPPIX: Aspirin for the neophyte open source developer
Kevin Shockey on the O’Reilly Developer Weblogs writes about SNAPPIX, a LiveCD with a completly open source Java development environment. He makes good points that open source software can be difficult and frustrating to setup, which can turn people away from software which would otherwise fit their requirements.
Fedora Project Working on a LiveCD
According to their wiki for the Fedora Core 5 release, work has already started on an official Fedora LiveCD or DVD.
This information can be seen here: FC5Future – Fedora Project Wiki
NewsForge | The Debian legacy
NewsForge reports on Debian, its history, and other popular distributions based on Debian. Knoppix and other LiveCDs are covered well in this article.
The LiveCD List – Now FrozenTech’s LiveCD List
Nothing about the list has changed, but I thought it sounded better, and would be more memorable, if I changed the title from “The LiveCD List” to “FrozenTech’s LiveCD List”. FrozenTech is my other website, which I use to publish reviews and stories I have written. It will soon, I hope, have some new articles focused on LiveCDs.
SimplyMEPIS 3.3.1-1 Maintenance Release
There’s an update to SimplyMEPIS out, adding support for more hardware, and the Traveller Disk feature. The Traveller Disk feature allows, among other things, syncing of several MEPIS desktops using a USB keydrive.
Screenshots of SLAX Popcorn Edition
OSDir.com has added screenshots of SLAX Popcorn Edition to its enormous screenshot directory.
New Site!
I’ve redone this LiveCD News. A custom written homepage with a phpBB backend, while fun, was a lot of work to maintain. WordPress is a much better idea. I’m not going to port the old stories over, but you can still view them at the LiveCD Forums.
LiveCD Books
If you’re not sure which book to get, I highly recommend Knoppix Hacks. It covers a wide variety of tasks for which a Knoppix LiveCD can be used, including ways to fix misbehaving Windows machines.