If you have not already done this, go download Puppy Linux and Damn Small Linux. The combined size will only be 110 MB, and you’ll have some amazing capabilites. After you’ve got them running, see how simple it is to install them onto a keydrive, or to have them load into memory so you can add programs, change settings, and then burn the results (using the now-free CD burner) to create your own custom LiveCD. One fun thing you could do is create a LiveCD which automatically boots up, loads any shared music directories on your network, and starts playing the songs in random order. Now you have a use for that Pentium 133 laptop that’s been sitting in your closet.
Fervent Software Announce Studio to Go! v1.50
SourceWire has the press release for the new Studio to Go! LiveCD. Studio to Go! is a professional audio studio preconfigured on a Linux LiveCD.
Kate OS 2.1 LIVE screenshots
OSDir has screenshots of Kate OS LIVE. Nice looking desktop.
Run GNU/Linux from a USB pen drive
NewsForge has an article describing how to get SLAX installed and running from a USB pen/key/jump/thumb drive. Useful information that can probably be applied to other LiveCDs as well.
Slax is a powerful and complete bootable distro based on Slackware, equipped with kernel 2.6, ALSA sound drivers, Wi-Fi card support, X11-6.8.2 with support for many GFX cards and wheel mice, and KDE 3.4.
Puppy Linux 1.0.4 Released
Puppy Linux 1.0.4 is out. Check out the multitude of changes here.
SLAX Linux Live 5.0.6
SLAX 5.0.6 is out, here is the changelog.
Slashdot | Elive Beta: Enlightenment Sans Commitment
Guardian Unlimited | Online | Knoppix has it covered
The Guardian Unlimited has an overview of the new Knoppix 4.0 LiveDVD. I like the tagline:
With access to 50,000 free programs, why bother with a system that only comes with 50, asks Glyn Moody
OnebaseGo 3.0 & GamesGo 1.0 Screenshot Tours
OSDir has screenshots, and Distrowatch has a review of the new Onebase Linux LiveCDs.
CD Boots up Linux-based Acquisition
Electrontictalk has a story on a company whose Linux-based product is now being shipped with a modified Knoppix. It apparently allows use of their Linux-based data acquisition product from any computer with a CDROM drive. Sounds like an extremely intelligent idea, they now have a product that can be used with minimal effort.
This card can be used to turn a laptop PC into a digital oscilloscope.
Incite Technology is committed to the open source ethos and has made all software, firmware and even circuit diagrams available to the open source community via COMMEDI.
Gentoo Linux IA64 LiveCD Finished
According to this weeks Gentoo Weekly News, Gentoo now has an Itanium LiveCD which will be released as part of Gentoo 2005.1.
The new LiveCD will allow users to quickly and painlessly deploy Gentoo on an IA64 platform, where previously another distribution was required to jumpstart the bootstrap process for a Gentoo installation.
WHAX v.3.0 Final Released!
WHAX 3.0 is out. A lot of changes, and the first stable release of since it switched from being Whoppix.
Finally! Whax is stable enough to leave the beta stage and go public.
New Poll – Best Security LiveCD
I setup a new poll in the LiveCD Forums for everyone to vote for their favorite security LiveCD. Votes will show up on the LiveCD List, so go vote and help others figure out which security LiveCD they should download first.
NewsForge | Simple PVR with KnoppMyth
NewsForge reviews KnoppMyth. While most people are aware that KnoppMyth simplifies creating a MythTV box, one feature not widely known is that it can be used as a LiveCD with a MythTV frontend.
Frontend — This lets you use the KnoppMyth machine as a pure front end that connects to a MythTV server you have running. This is useful if you have a couple of TVs, or are already using MythTV. After setting the date and time, you have to enter database settings, after which Knoppmyth starts up as a pure front end to your MythTV server. This is the quickest way to get going, but it does require a previously configured server. You don’t need to do any partitioning, and you won’t lose any data on your hard drive. It’s basically just a live CD front end.
Building an OpenBSD Live CD
ONLamp.com has a new article on creating an OpenBSD LiveCD. Don’t forget to read the second page, where the author describes how to configure a firewall/router on this LiveCD. And you thought OpenBSD made a secure firewall before it was read-only.
This article describes the process I used to create a Live CD based on OpenBSD/i386 3.7-current. It should be no problem with 3.7-release either.
Damn Small Linux 1.3 Released
Damn Small Linux 1.3 has been released. There is a new desktop theme along with the many bugfixes. See the Release Notes, and even more detail about the changes.
TheOpenCD 3.0 Released
What was once a CD full of open source Windows applications has now morphed into a hybrid LiveCD/Windows software CD. While it has not finished downloading for me yet, it looks like a lot of work went into this CD, and I’m excited to give it a try.
TheOpenCD traditionally provides a handy collection of quality FOSS applications for Windows, professionally presented in an elegant CD browser. This latest edition also lets you boot into a highly polished desktop based on Ubuntu for a taste of the world of free operating systems!
PCLinuxOS Preview 9.1, Screenshots
I guess there is news today. OSDir has more of their famous screenshots, this time for PCLinuxOS 9.1.
Also, regarding those screenshots, there is a new version of PCLinuxOS out. It is Preview 9.1.
LiveCDs with Serious Eye Candy
Since there’s no LiveCD news today, I’m going to suggest everyone go download and try out Elive and GoblinX. Both LiveCDs focus on the Eye Candy factor of Linux desktops, and both do this well. Elive has Enlightenment E16 and E17, and GoblinX has 5 pre-tweaked desktop environments, including KDE, XFCE, Fluxbox, Windowmaker, and Enlightenment.
When you’re done, go vote for the LiveCD you think is the best for showing off Linux to your Windows and Mac friends.
Booting Knoppix from a USB Pendrive via Floppy LG #116
The Latest Linux Gazette has an article about getting Knoppix to boot off a USB device via floppy. Sounds odd at first, but I have several older computers with USB ports but without BIOS options to boot from them.