An open Studio to Go

NewsForge has a review of Studio to Go.

Open source software developer and musician Richard Bown wanted to make Rosegarden, a popular MIDI sequencer for Linux, available to all people, even if they weren’t fortunate enough to be using an open source platform.

Run With The Big Dogs On Chubby Puppy Linux

LinuxPlanet has a review of a modified Puppy Linux LiveCD.

Chubby Puppy Linux “fills out” the regular Puppy Linux release with the addition of the suite of applications. It’s a full figured Linux version in a fast, lightweight liveCD package.

MitraX live CD reviews the MitraX LiveCD. Looks like an interesting LiveCD, it even comes with the Offile NT Password and Registry Editor, in case you need to reset a password on a Windows machine.

MitraX boots notably faster than similar live CD distributions. In less than half a minute, MitraX boots into the FVWM-95 desktop, which looks like Windows 95 and works in a similar fashion. This is a smart choice because it is practical and lightweight. For this kind of distribution, it’s more than enough.

RX for Windows has a review of Winternals Admin Pak 5.0, which comes with ERD Commander.

At the heart of the Admin Pak collection is the ERD Commander, a bootable CD that gives you a Windows-like environment—regardless of which version of Windows is on the machine you’re trying to fix.

MCNLive Jordaan Review reviews MCNLive. A clean looking distro, check out the control panel in some of the screenshots.

MCNLive is an XFce (version 4.2.2) based distro, that is more compact (200 MB) compared to running it on KDE. XFce is light weight and with any live CD that is made with the most essential tools and that can be trimmed to fit on a USB stick

PHLAK Penetration Testing Live CD Distro has a compact review of the security LiveCD PHLAK.

The XFCE desktop is nicely laid out, the menu easy to navigate and the taskbar buttons very helpful. PHLAK comes with some really nice documentation, available from the ‘PHLAK security documents’ icon on the XFCE taskbar or the Fluxbox menu.

Linux+Live DVD Review reviews the new Linux+Live DVD.

One thing I could honestly say about this distro is wow. I’ve seen programs that come as part of this live DVD that I never heard of, like kover to make cd covers, there are so many tools included in this one DVD that I could go on for pages talking about what is included.

NTFS for Linux review by PC Magazine

PC Magazine reviews NTFS read/write code for Linux. It comes with its own bootable cd, and they even review it using a Knoppix CD. In short, it works, it costs money, and I can’t find downloadable source code or the acronym GPL anywhere.

Elive: Where Debian meets Enlightenment has a review of Elive. If you like visual effects, you owe it to yourself to try Elive. The screenshots are good, but don’t come close to actually using this desktop.

In a few moments the Elive desktop was loaded. Unlike earlier versions of Enlightenment the vertical curtain effect was not present. Elive uses the ‘elive’ theme as opposed to the Enlightenment default. Wow, where do I start with this crazy desktop. Beautifully polished would be a fit description. It is truly only rivaled by OS X.