LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs

This article originally posted on on June 15th, 2005
One of the most obvious differences between a LiveCD and an operating system installed on a hard drive is the time it takes for the system to start. LiveCDs have the disadvantage of all CDs, easily being 15 times slower in both transfer and access speeds than standard hard drives. Even with this huge variation in speed, the average LiveCD does not take 15 times longer to boot than the same software installed to a hard drive. This article will provide an overview of the boot speeds of nine popular LiveCDs in several different configurations.
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NewsForge | Creating a custom live CD with Slax

NewsForge reports a success story of one business who started using custom SLAX LiveCDs to gather manufacturing data. It details two possibly ways of quickly customizing SLAX, and Kanotix also makes an appearance.

In addition, due to the fact that a PC in a factory may be subject to electrical and mechanical shocks, we feared extended down time in case of hardware failures (especially the hard disk’s), and we wanted to avoid reinstalling everything.

New Site!

I’ve redone this LiveCD News. A custom written homepage with a phpBB backend, while fun, was a lot of work to maintain. WordPress is a much better idea. I’m not going to port the old stories over, but you can still view them at the LiveCD Forums.