A paragraph on Puppy Linux: deccanherald.com
Knoppix 4.0 review
Flavio’s TechnoTalk has one of the first in depth Knoppix 4.0 LinuxTag DVD reviews. It includes a good number of screenshots and talks about changes since version 3.9.
This time, Knoppix 4.0, also known as ‘maxi’, is released on DVD, so that many more applications can be included. The obvious advantage is that you don’t need to spend time downloading and installing your favorite applications.
My Workstation OS: Puppy Linux
NewsForge has a glowing review of Puppy Linux. Puppy is not just a LiveCD distro, as it also runs from USB devices, hard drives, zip drives, etc. It is definitely a distro everyone should try.
It is kind of the Tardis of Linux distributions — more on the inside than one would imagine.
Linux to the rescue: A review of three system rescue CDs
Linux.com has a thorough review of several rescue LiveCDs in different rescue scenarios.
This article reviews three open source rescue CDs: System Rescue CD, LNX-BBC, and CDlinux. These are all small downloads, ranging from 17 to 110MB, specifically designed to perform system rescue.
FreeSBIE: A FreeBSD live CD
NewsForge has an overview of FreeSBIE, a BSD based LiveCD.
PCLinuxOs, Point, Click and Enjoy!
ReviewLinux.Com has reviewed PCLinuxOS Preview 9. Read it and become familar with PCLinuxOS.
Freeduc, an educational live CD
NewsForge has a review on Freeduc, a LiveCD geared towards education and students.
The true gem of the distribution is GCompris, an educational suite that contains more than 60 educational applications, ranging from mouse games to a chess tutorial.
NewsForge | My Workstation OS: Kurumin Linux
NewsForge has another article in their My Workstation OS series. This one focuses on the LiveCD Kurumin Linux, providing information that I was not aware of, such as its large script collection.
In fact, one of the highlights of this distribution is its extensive use of scripts. Kurumin comes out of the box with more than 400 small scripts –- most of them embedded in Clica-Aki, Kurumin’s Control Panel -– aimed at making easier some of the usual configuration tasks such as setting up a server, installing softmodems and wireless adapters, and installing new software.
Welcome to the world of Knoppix – Self SEO
Self SEO has an article introducing Knoppix, what it does well, and some suggestions for improvement by the author. Overall a positive article on a great LiveCD.
With no need for an installation (although that is given as an option), and with excellent hardware detection, Knoppix has single-handedly done away with the two major concerns for Windows users wanting to try out Linux
FrozenTech: LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs
I just put up some benchmarks comparing the boot times of a dozen LiveCDs on FrozenTech. You can see the results here: FrozenTech LiveCD Boot Benchmarks: Round 1, Popular LiveCDs
SNAPPIX: Aspirin for the neophyte open source developer
Kevin Shockey on the O’Reilly Developer Weblogs writes about SNAPPIX, a LiveCD with a completly open source Java development environment. He makes good points that open source software can be difficult and frustrating to setup, which can turn people away from software which would otherwise fit their requirements.
NewsForge | The Debian legacy
NewsForge reports on Debian, its history, and other popular distributions based on Debian. Knoppix and other LiveCDs are covered well in this article.