Linux in Italian Schools, Part 5: Slackware in Sardinia

Sometimes Linux LiveCDs configure hardware better than traditional installed distros.

Given this information about the new Digiweb conditions, Giancarlo had, to use his own words, “the insane idea to test the new modem and connection with a Knoppix Live CD”. Knoppix indeed did connect to the Internet all by itself, so then it was only a matter of finding and copying the correct configuration parameters into the proper Slackware files.

CAELinux: An Open Source LiveDVD for Computer Aided Engineering/Finite Element

Linux Today brings news of a LiveDVD focused on engineering. Based on PCLinuxOS 9.

one solution already exists and it’s called CAELinux: an open source LiveDVD distribution dedicated to professionnal computer-aided engineering & finite element simulations. Now, you need just to insert the CAELinux LiveDVD in your computer to turn it into a professionnal CAE workstation in five minutes: no installation required, no licence fees!

Beyond The Big Three BSDs, BSD Alternatives

The DragonFly BSD LiveCD got a mention in this article over at Server Watch.

DragonFly BSD is provided as a Live CD and will boot into a fully functional DragonFly BSD system. Unlike pure Live CD products, however, it can also install DragonFly BSD.

And page 2 has even more information on BSD LiveCDs, including introductions to Frenzy, FreeSBIE, and GuLIC-BSD.

The Frenzy Live CD is similar to Knoppix and LiveCD.

Interview with Barry Kauler, Puppy Linux

DistroWatch has an interview with the founder and lead developer of Puppy Linux. A good read, it provides some information into how they pack so much good software into a 60MB LiveCD.

Although Puppy Linux is a relatively new arrival on the Linux distribution scene, its popularity has skyrocketed over the past few months. Barry Kauler, the founder and lead developer of this minimalist, yet feature-rich operating system was kind enough to answer a few questions about the beginnings of Puppy and other topics of interest.

Taking Linux On The Road With Ubuntu – Linux To Go

Tom’s Hardware has a review of an interesting product, the Ubuntu H2. It’s a 3 GB USB microdrive that comes with a bootable DVD to install Ubuntu onto it, for the purpose of booting Ubuntu off the USB device.

Once Linux is ready to go, you need to make the computer boot from the H2 Micro USB Drive. Usually computers will either boot from a CD/DVD, a floppy disc or the system hard drive. However, as we want to use the Ubuntu H2 as a portable operating system, we need to get the system to boot from USB.

Kubuntu/Ubuntu LiveCD News

A note here about the Dapper Drake (6.10) Ubuntu/Kubuntu release LiveCDs. Looks like they’re finally going to add an installer onto their LiveCDs. While this already exists on their LiveDVDs, it would be nice for the DVD-less computers. Also it would be nice if the installer ran from inside the Live environment, like it does on Knoppix, MEPIS, PCLinuxOS, or others.

Free CDs for Kubuntu through shipit should be available for the next release if the planned Live CD Installer removes the need for a separate install CD.