Planet Sabayon Linux lets us know that the 3.4 LiveCD release of Sabayon Linux is coming soon.
Sabayon Linux 3.4 Screenshots
The screenshots page at has been updated with shots of the upcoming 3.4 release.
Sabayon Core in the works & improved Packages Selector
Planet Sabayon Linux has screenshots of the new packages selector soon to be avilable in the Sabayon Linux installer.
Sabayon Linux v3.3 CD edition debuts
Desktop Linux reports on the release of Sabayon Linux 3.3 LiveCDs.
Sabayon Linux 3.3 Review
TriedIT takes the Sabayon Linux 3.3 LiveDVD for a spin.
Sabayon Linux aims to give users all the bleeding edge software of SimplyMEPIS and PCLinuxOS but is based on Gentoo and uses Portage as its package management system. I haven’t used Gentoo for a couple of years now, but Sabayon’s popularity is continually increasing and with a new release it’s now time to give it a try.
Sabayon Linux v3.3 DVD Screenshots
..are over at [Phoronix]. There is new artwork since the last 3.26 release.
Sabayon Linux 3.3 x86/x86-64: Press Release
Sabayon Linux 3.3 is out with a huge list of changes, including new artwork for the LiveDVD and the website.
Sabayon Linux 3.26 — The name is a dessert while the Linux is just as sweet
KnoLinux review the Sabayon Linux 3.26 LiveDVD. Lots of screenshots and an installation walkthrough are included.
Sabayon Linux 3.26 Review
Linux Tech Daily reviews the latest Sabayon Linux LiveCD and takes the installer for a spin.
Sabayon Linux 3.2 Mini
[Phoronix] has screenshots of the new Sabayon Linux 3.2 Mini LiveCD.
Sabayon Linux 3.2 Review
Techgage has a review of the soon to be released Sabayon Linux 3.2. Included are many screenshots of this impressive distro.
Sabayon Linux miniEdition looks sharp on the bleeding edge has a review of Sabayon Linux miniEdition 3.0. Screenshots of some 3D effects are included.
Sabayon has earned a reputation for running right on the cutting edge; it is the first distro to deploy a live CD using the Beryl compositing engine and Nvidia’s newest beta video drivers.
Sabayon Linux 3.0 Review
DistroWatch Weekly reviews the stable Sabayon Linux 3.0 release.
One new feature in SabayonLinux 3.0 is that hard disk installation is now available via the popular Anaconda installation program developed by Red Hat.
Sabayon 3.0 and Puppy Linux 2.10 Released
DistroWatch is reporting the release of two popular LiveCDs, Sabayon Linux and Puppy Linux.
RR4 and RR64 change names to Sabayon Linux, release new RC version
RR4 and RR64 are now officially replaced with the release of Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.0 RC2. Based on Gentoo, Sabayon continually stays up to date with the latest packages, bringing the future of Linux to a LiveDVD.