DSL Linux: Small distro that packs a big punch

IBM Developerworks has an overview of Damn Small Linux. Unfortunately, the author keeps referring to it as “DSL Linux”, which, I think, expands to Damn Small Linux Linux. But besides that minor annoyance, the article has quite a good summary of the packages on the DSL LiveCD, and a few tips for using it.

Need a teeny-tiny, business-card-sized, open source operating system that squeezes a lot of software into a little space? Take a look at DSL Linux®. This quick review shows you how to use the miniscule OS, highlights the on-board applications, details how to load and start it, and explains how to save between sessions when using a bootable CD.

My desktop OS: GRML

NewsForge reviews GRML and tells why it makes a good desktop OS.

The best discoveries emerge from obscurity. My favorite discovery of last year was GRML Linux. You won’t find this gem in the top 100 at Distrowatch, but if you ask me, it works better than all the usual names.

MandrivaOne – a livecd

Tuxmachines.org has a review of MandrivaOne Beta 2.

The harddrive installer worked wonderfully. At first use it appears simple and lacking in options. One is asked their target partition(s) and boot loader information and off it goes. It took less than 15 minutes from start to finish to install Mandriva One onto my harddrive.