Planet Sabayon Linux lets us know that the 3.4 LiveCD release of Sabayon Linux is coming soon.
DIY Linux live CD – the really easy way has pics and news of Custom NimbleX 2, which allows anyone to customize and then download a LiveCD ISO of NimbleX. Get to it directly at .
Partition and Image Your Hard Drive with the System Rescue CD
Lifehacker has a great set of instructions for using SystemRescueCD to create, move, and copy partitions on a normal PC.
GParted LiveCD vs Parted Magic
This week’s DistroWatch Weekly compares two popular, lightweight LiveCDs aimed at partition management.
KDE Four Live CD updated with KDE 4 Beta 1
KDE 4.0 Beta 1 is out, and KDE Four Live has been updated with the new release. Download the ISO and check it out.
Linux: It’s Not Just for Servers Anymore
Wired gives credit to LiveCDs for the rise in the popularity of Linux desktop computing.
Part of this growth can be chalked up to the trend of the LiveCD, a bootable disk image that users can download and burn to a CD to test the software. Most of the popular Linux makers release software on LiveCDs, and many also ship physical CDs to curious users anywhere in the world for free or for a nominal fee.
Manage partitions and disks with GParted-Clonezilla live CD has instructions for backing up partitions using GParted-Clonezilla.
Backing up partitions and hard disks sounds like work — until youve tried Clonezilla. With Clonezilla you can clone and duplicate partitions of various formats and disks of various sizes locally or over the network. Even more impressive is the fact that you can do all this without typing complicated commands. And since Clonezilla is available as part of the GParted-Clonezilla live CD, you dont even have to install it.
Firmware Updates LiveCD thanks to Revisor
Some interesting news from the Direct2Dell Blog, a Fedora based LiveCD has been created to help update the BIOS of your Dell. This is much nicer than having to install Windows or a floppy drive to grab a new BIOS.
OpenSolaris “Indiana” Information
Phoronix has an article on OpenSolaris “Indiana”, which is an installable LiveCD/DVD OpenSolaris distribution. Many of the cool Solaris technologies are included, such as ZFS. Look for a preview release in October, with a final build to be released in March ’08.
openSUSE LiveCD Installer has news of an openSUSE LiveCD Installer. Hopefully this makes it into the next LiveDVD, or they do what Fedora did and convert their 6 CD set into a single installable LiveCD.
First look at Elive 1.0
DistroWatch Weekly has a review of the recently released Elive 1.0.
Elive has reach its first major milestone with its release of version 1.0. I’ve tested several versions of Elive over the last two years (or so), publishing my findings a few times. I haven’t published a report on Elive since 0.5 and things have continued to improve. I’ve been testing Elive 1.0 for several days and certainly agree that this release is worthy of the full first release status.
Sabayon Linux 3.4 Screenshots
The screenshots page at has been updated with shots of the upcoming 3.4 release.
CentOS 5 i386 Live CD
The CentOS 5 LiveCD has been released.
That means that the purposes of this CD are to see if CentOS will boot/work on your hardware, to test some of the features of CentOS as a workstation, and to use as a Rescue CD. It does not contain all the features of the 7 CD CentOS 5 Distribution on one CD :
As Specialized A Linux Distro As Youre Likely to Find
The InformationWeek Blog has a review of Hikarunix.
You want proof theres a Linux distribution for absolutely every possible application? Heres one for you: Hikarunix, a distro dedicated to Go players and based on the ever-versatile Damn Small Linux DSL.
Sabayon Core in the works & improved Packages Selector
Planet Sabayon Linux has screenshots of the new packages selector soon to be avilable in the Sabayon Linux installer.
One Year with Puppy Linux
DistroWatch weekely has an incredibly long review of one person’s experiences using Puppy Linux.
Most distro reviews focus on installing and using one release of a recent distro. But when people decide to stick with a distro, or abandon it after a longer period of use, the reasons are more to do with the entire distro experience, which includes the distro technology, its package management, the size and reliability of its package repositories, the ease and speed with which bugs are reported and fixed, the quality of the documentation, and the social experience of being part of the distro’s community, as exemplified by its forum and IRC channels. Here I relate my personal experiences with Puppy Linux over the course of approximately one year.
KIWI – OpenSuse’s re-spin creator
/home/liquidat shares some information about OpenSuse’s re-spin creator. Support is included for creating LiveCDs, LiveDVDs, and LiveUSB flash drives with OpenSUSE.
Everyone can easily create his own version of Fedora with the re-spin tool Revisor. OpenSuse also develops a tool with a similar purpose, KIWI.
Mandriva Flash 2007.1 Release Info
DistroWatch Weekly interviews Adam Williamson, Mandriva’s Community Manager, and finds a new release of Mandriva Flash is coming.
Mandriva Flash 2007.0 looked like a very successful product. Yet, two months after the release of Mandriva Linux 2007.1, there is still no Mandriva Flash 2007.1. Why?
SLAX 6.0.0 RC4 Screenshots
Phoronix has screenshots of the latest release candidate of SLAX 6.0.0.
19″ Linux Digital Photo Frame Kit
LXer has a link to this digital photo frame kit running Damn Small Linux. It includes WIFI, so you can probably SSH into you photo frame.
GOSHEN, Ind. – RedPost inc., an Indiana-based tech startup, today announced the launch of RedPost/Kit, a do-it-yourself digital photo frame kit that comes with everything you need to get up and running.