Creating a Multi-boot DVD

PCQuest has an article detailing how to get all your favorite LiveCDs onto a single, menu-selectable LiveDVD. A great how-to article that hopefully will bring a round of LiveDVDs with dozens of distros!

First create a folder for each live distro you have. For instance, if you are creating a DVD for Auditor, PHLAK and Whoppix, create three folders with the name auditor, phlak and whoppix.

Gaming Router / Firewall

Lan Game Reviews has a good how-to guide for seting up a router that will allow you to play online games no matter who is on your network. They use m0n0wall for the LiveCD, no hard drive needed.

The next step is to enable Traffic Shaping. This is what prioritizes packets so you get great pings while downloading. Click on the Traffic Shaping button on the left menu bar, and click the Magic Shaper Wizard tab. Select the checkbox saying Set P2P traffic to lowest priority and input the downstream and upstream speeds for your connection.

Run GNU/Linux from a USB pen drive

NewsForge has an article describing how to get SLAX installed and running from a USB pen/key/jump/thumb drive. Useful information that can probably be applied to other LiveCDs as well.

Slax is a powerful and complete bootable distro based on Slackware, equipped with kernel 2.6, ALSA sound drivers, Wi-Fi card support, X11-6.8.2 with support for many GFX cards and wheel mice, and KDE 3.4.

Building an OpenBSD Live CD has a new article on creating an OpenBSD LiveCD. Don’t forget to read the second page, where the author describes how to configure a firewall/router on this LiveCD. And you thought OpenBSD made a secure firewall before it was read-only.

This article describes the process I used to create a Live CD based on OpenBSD/i386 3.7-current. It should be no problem with 3.7-release either.

NewsForge | Creating a custom live CD with Slax

NewsForge reports a success story of one business who started using custom SLAX LiveCDs to gather manufacturing data. It details two possibly ways of quickly customizing SLAX, and Kanotix also makes an appearance.

In addition, due to the fact that a PC in a factory may be subject to electrical and mechanical shocks, we feared extended down time in case of hardware failures (especially the hard disk’s), and we wanted to avoid reinstalling everything.