PCLinuxOS 2007 Released

A new release of the popular PCLinuxOS disto is now available. They were one of the early distro to put their installer on a LiveCD.

Texstar and the Ripper Gang are pleased to announce the final release of PCLinuxOS 2007. Featuring kernel, KDE 3.5.6, Open Office 2.2.0, Firefox, Thunderbird 2.0, Frostwire, Ktorrent, Amarok, Flash, Java JRE, Beryl 3D and much much more. Almost 2 gigs of software compressed on a single self bootable livecd that can be installed to your hard drive provided it is compatible with your system and you like the distribution. Over 5000 additional packages available after hard drive install through our Synaptic Software Manager.

Educational GCompris Live CD

Journal Of An Open Sourcee reviews the GCompris Live CD.

Shortly after receiving a comment on my other blog (Brazilian Portuguese only) from Armando Silva about an educational Live CD, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to check it out.

For the First Time OpenVZ Virtualization Software Available On Live CD Without Requiring Hard Disk Installation

OpenVZ is now available on a modified Knoppix 5.1.1 LiveCD. Test it out without messing up your installed OS.

OpenVZ is operating system server virtualization software technology, built on Linux, which creates multiple isolated, secure virtual environments on a single physical server – enabling greater server utilization and superior availability with fewer performance penalties. The virtual servers ensure that applications do not conflict and can be re-booted independently.

Gentoo 2007.0 Review

Techgage reviews the new 2007.0 release of Gentoo, and compares it and the new installer to the previous 2006.1 release.

If you are familiar with the installers from either 2006.x version, you cannot consider yourself an expert with the installer from 2007.0, as many things have been changed around and it functions differently overall. I will get into these changes are we go along.

Scientific Linux rolls out v5.0 live DVD

Scientific Linux has a new LiveDVD.

Scientific Linux, a project based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 source packages enhanced with a variety of additional applications, released its v5.0 i386 live DVD on May 7. The SL5 live DVD features a 2.6.18 kernel, includes all client/workstation RPMs, and uses GNOME as its default desktop.

Digipup: A Linux live CD for amateur radio

Linux.com reviews Digipup.

Puppy Linux is a lightweight live Linux distribution that you can boot and run from a CD, USB stick, or DVD. One of its features is the ability to create specialized “pups” — new versions of Puppy Linux geared toward a specific purpose. Digipup is one such example, with a focus on amateur radio. I spun it up, and found Digipup to be a great way to check out amateur radio utilities for Linux.

KDE Four Live

One of the KDE devs has released LiveCDs with a preview of the upcoming KDE 4.0 desktop named KDE Four Live. KDE 4 is currently pre-alpha status, so, uh, don’t put it on a production server.

Elive 0.6.7 development released – Thanatermesis

Elive keeps putting out new releases of their incredible Enlightenment-based desktop LiveCD.

After a HUGE amount of work on that version, a migration to new hosting (you can see the websites faster now!), and all the mirrors of Elive broken, Elive has finally released the version 0.6.7 with a LOT of good changes.

Linux.com | Dyne:Bolic 2.4.2: A live CD multimedia studio

Linux.com reviews the multimedia monster LiveCD named Dyne:Bolic.

The Dyne:Bolic distribution is a live CD designed for creating, broadcasting, and publishing all kinds of audio, video, and graphic content. It includes some of the best free and open source tools with which you can compose music, mix video streams, and create 3-D animations.