DistroWatch Weekly

DistroWatch.com is full of interesting news in the latest DistroWatch Weekly. It includes information on the not-yet official Debian LiveCD, Mandriva One, Accelerated Knoppix, Super Accelerated Knoppix, and Knoppix 5.0.

Shortly after publishing the above-mentioned announcement, we received an email from Jun Okajima, President of Digital Infra in Japan. His company’s web site claims that a KNOPPIX live CD that boots in — wait for this — under 10 seconds

It’s definitely worth checking out the video of the Knoppix boot.

Mandriva Linux One 2006.0 Beta Screenshots

More screenshots from OSDir.com, this time of Mandriva Linux One 2006.0 Beta, its new LiveCD with installer. Putting an installer on a LiveCD seems to be popular right now, as Gentoo just released theirs yesterday, and Ubuntu is testing one on their beta-flight-6.04 pre-releases. It seems that Knoppix, MEPIS, PCLinuxOS, Kanotix, SLAX, and everyone else I’m missing were early to the “LiveCD with installer” party.

Rubuntu In the Works

OSDir.com has news about a developer looking to combine some of the hottest computing commodities available today: Ubuntu, Ruby on Rails, and LiveCDs.

I am working on a linux distro liveCD called Rubuntu. Which is, you guessed it, a ruby/raisl (sic) centric ubuntu livecd that has the option to install to your HD if your so inclined. I hope to have my build system for this set up this weekend so i can start pumping out a few betas while I tweak it to perfection.

Don’t forget to click on the link at the bottom of that page to see the full usenet discussion.