KNOPPIX 5.0 Cebit Released

The Cebit release of Knoppix 5.0 is out. Now we have to wait for someone to purchase it, make an ISO file, and upload it to a bittorrent tracker site (which I believe is legal). The “normal” 5.0 LiveCD and LiveDVD versions will be released to mirrors a couple weeks after Cebit, at the earliest.

The KNOPPIX 5.0 Live DVD contains some major changes in the unionfs-based file system, new hardware detection and autoconfiguration, and a more “genuine Debian” oriented selection of packages. Apart from this, the harddisk install option (“knoppix-installer”) has been extended by Martin Öhler, based on the work of Fabian Franz, featuring a “live update” of specific packages from a new version of the live DVD or CD.

Other important features include safe WRITE access to NTFS partitions using libntfs+fuse. This is something everyone who works with Windows machines will benefit from.

(Update) Here’s a link to the torrent:

My desktop OS: GRML

NewsForge reviews GRML and tells why it makes a good desktop OS.

The best discoveries emerge from obscurity. My favorite discovery of last year was GRML Linux. You won’t find this gem in the top 100 at Distrowatch, but if you ask me, it works better than all the usual names.

MandrivaOne – a livecd has a review of MandrivaOne Beta 2.

The harddrive installer worked wonderfully. At first use it appears simple and lacking in options. One is asked their target partition(s) and boot loader information and off it goes. It took less than 15 minutes from start to finish to install Mandriva One onto my harddrive.