TriedIT reviews the Enlightenment-destkop-based Elive 0.6.5 LiveCD.
Security-oriented Linux live CD achieves major release
DesktopLinux has an overview the the new BackTrack 2.0 LiveCD.
How To Use Jigdo For Incremental CD Updates (Daily Builds)
Ubuntu Tutorials shows how to save some time getting the daily builds of Ubuntu Feisty.
Freespire 2.0 Alpha 1 (Ubuntu Edition) Screenshots
Phoronix has screenshots of the new Freespire.
Need live CD made by expert, paid gig
Someone appears to need a custom LiveCD made over in the LiveCD Forums.
Evaluating Knoppix 5.1.1 for use in the Linuxworld lab
TalkBMC takes Knoppix 5.1.1 for a spin on a cartload of different laptops.
Back to the drawing board: what LiveCD distro is out there that uses KDE as the primary desktop, but is stocked with best of breed apps appropriate to the questions the lab is asking and answering? Knoppix would seem to be the obvious answer.
Metisse — you thought you knew what 3D was? reviews the Metisse window manager recently made available by Mandriva on a LiveCD?
Sidux: A live CD for Debian unstable reviews the Sidux LiveCD.
Sidux aims to be the best Debian sid-based live CD — and it succeeds. It offers a clean, easy hard disk install and a fast release cycle.
Puppy Linux 2.14: This Hound Has Teeth
PerformancePC reviews the latest version of Puppy Linux.
Though worthy Linux distributions from Ubuntu and SUSE run very well, they are also rather large collections (though certainly not as bloated as Windows is!) and this has led to the creation of some smaller incarnations like Damn Small Linux and Feather Linux. The best of these lite Linux versions, though, has got to be Puppy Linux, which, in its 2.14 version, shows that it can run very comfortably with the big hounds.
Build a Fedora Live CD
IBM Developerworks has a great how-to for building your own Fedora LiveCD.
Though Fedora Linux® is a popular and mature Linux distribution, and many people have created Live CD distributions based on Fedora, the Fedora project itself didn’t released its first official Live CD until December 2006. Learn how to build your own custom and easy-to-use Live CDs using a rewrite of Pilgrim, the Fedora Live CD creation tool.
How to build a live Fedora CD using Kadischi
Red Hat Magazine gives instructions to making a LiveCD using Kadischi.
Bootable system rescue Linux CD gets updated
Desktop Linux reports that a new version of SystemRescueCD is out and now included NTFS-3G 1.0 .
SIDUX 2007-01 Linux LiveCD
SIDUX 2007-01 screenshots by Phoronix.