RX for Windows

Redmondmag.com has a review of Winternals Admin Pak 5.0, which comes with ERD Commander.

At the heart of the Admin Pak collection is the ERD Commander, a bootable CD that gives you a Windows-like environment—regardless of which version of Windows is on the machine you’re trying to fix.

MCNLive Jordaan Review

GNUMAN.com reviews MCNLive. A clean looking distro, check out the control panel in some of the screenshots.

MCNLive is an XFce (version 4.2.2) based distro, that is more compact (200 MB) compared to running it on KDE. XFce is light weight and with any live CD that is made with the most essential tools and that can be trimmed to fit on a USB stick

USB smart drives set for lift off

PCPro has an article about how USB “smart” drives, or USB flash drives with a bootable OS like Knoppix installed, are going to take of in the near future. Would have been a better article if there wasn’t a giant flash ad covering half of it.

World of knowledge in your hands

The Sydney Morning Herald has an article about a developer combining the Wikipedia and Knoppix DVD.

King downloaded the entire English-language version of co-operatively produced online encyclopedia Wikipedia to a readable DVD-ROM to allow it to be accessed from a computer without an internet connection. He will soon post the project online and invite others to help him develop the concept.

PHLAK Penetration Testing Live CD Distro

Gnuman.com has a compact review of the security LiveCD PHLAK.

The XFCE desktop is nicely laid out, the menu easy to navigate and the taskbar buttons very helpful. PHLAK comes with some really nice documentation, available from the ‘PHLAK security documents’ icon on the XFCE taskbar or the Fluxbox menu.