DesktopLinux has a preview of Puppy Linux 2.10.
Tiny, sub-$100 PC runs Puppy Linux
LinuxDevices is reporting on this Pentium 166 computer which, while being able to run several versions of Windows, has Puppy Linux as the recommended OS.
Puppy Linux celebrates its success
DesktopLinux is reporting that Puppy Linux is holding an online event with the purpose of bringing the community together. Everyone from developers to end users are invited to give ideas on making Puppy Linux better.
A walk in the park with Puppy Linux reviews the latest Puppy Linux.
Puppy Linux 2.02 is Out
A new version of Puppy Linux has been released with the new NTFS-3G driver, which allows writing to NTFS partitions.
Taking Puppy for a short walk also has a short review of Puppy Linux 2.0.
Tons o’ Screenshots
OSDir has recently posted many screenshots of new releases, here they are:
Notice the installer icons on the desktops of all the *buntu screenshots.
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 2.00 is announcing the latest release of the amazingly lightweight Puppy Linux.
Puppy Power
Packt Publishing has an interview with the creator of Puppy Linux.
Puppy Linux 1.0.9 CE has a review of the latest Puppy Linux. As always, lots of screenshots are included.
I found the menus chocked full of applications and utilities. There was a multitude of Puppy specific configuration utilities for just about everything from net connection, wireless, sound, modem, printer, and more.
LinuxWorld | Linux grows among the Lupins in WA
LinuxWorld has an interesting interview with the developer of Puppy Linux.
An obsession that involves Kauler travelling 350km to a friend’s house in Perth to upload Puppy files as he only has a 19,600bps dial-up connection.