Sun has released the free OpenSolaris LiveCD. Includes all the interesting parts of Solaris, including ZFS, DTrace, containers, etc. Also, you can sign up to have them ship you a CD for free.
OpenSolaris Project Indiana Review
Phoronix has a review and pics of the first development release of OpenSolaris Project Indiana.
After downloading this ISO (the Developer Preview is only 629MB), the image can be burned to a disc and immediately booted. Project Indiana incorporates a “Slim Install” LiveCD for x86 systems. Just like Ubuntu, Fedora Live, and a number of other Linux distributions, you can boot to this CD and start using it without ever touching the contents of your hard drive.
The Indiana Branding Machine
Put your mark on the upcoming OpenSolaris LiveCD. Project Indiana is looking for branding ideas, from the GRUB splash screen, to screensavers.
As our first prototype releases draws nearer, it’s time to start thinking about the branding experience for Indiana, specifically from when they put the LiveCD into their CDROM drives and launch the desktop to installing it on their disk.
OpenSolaris “Indiana” Information
Phoronix has an article on OpenSolaris “Indiana”, which is an installable LiveCD/DVD OpenSolaris distribution. Many of the cool Solaris technologies are included, such as ZFS. Look for a preview release in October, with a final build to be released in March ’08.