LifeHacker’s featured download today is pure:dyne, a LiveCD developed for media artists. | Dyne:Bolic 2.4.2: A live CD multimedia studio reviews the multimedia monster LiveCD named Dyne:Bolic.
The Dyne:Bolic distribution is a live CD designed for creating, broadcasting, and publishing all kinds of audio, video, and graphic content. It includes some of the best free and open source tools with which you can compose music, mix video streams, and create 3-D animations.
Customizing Dynebolic version 2 has a thorough article on customizing Dynebolic.
Three Sets of Screenshots
OSDir has new screenshots up of RR64 3.0RC1, dyne:bolic 2.0 RC, and MCNLive Leuven.
GhostWriter: A Linux distro for writers has a review of a LiveCD made for writers.
GhostWriter is a live CD that provides a small number of tools for writers of short stories, novels, and screenplays. But GhostWriter can be used by someone authoring works of non-fiction as well. It’s easy to use and has a small footprint. In fact, there’s nothing to install — you run GhostWriter off a CD.
Grafpup Linux live CD for graphic designers reviews Grafpup, and ends up liking this lightweight LiveCD.
What would you get if you were to combine good graphic programs such as the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), Inkscape, and CinePaint with other open source biggies such as Scribus and Nvu? The answer: Grafpup Linux, a live CD heaven for all graphic designers.
AlienDrive Live CD 1 screenshots
OSDir has screenshots of the AlienDrive LiveCD.
Mediainlinux: Path Forward?
Slashdot has a little writeup and request for testing from Mediainlinux. Mediainlinux is a LiveCD focused on multimedia developement, and also has a nice Gnome-based Knoppix LiveCD released.
An open Studio to Go
NewsForge has a review of Studio to Go.
Open source software developer and musician Richard Bown wanted to make Rosegarden, a popular MIDI sequencer for Linux, available to all people, even if they weren’t fortunate enough to be using an open source platform.
Dine in geek heaven with Dyne:bolicII
Computerworld has an article with a lot of quotes from core Dyne:bolic developer Jaromil about the new features going into Dyne:bolicII. A lot of work is going into the new release, with the latest packages, new scripts, fast customization, and low system requirements.
Jaromil says the main addition to version two, currently in beta, is that it will include all the compiler tools required in order to modify it.